Life's Too Short for Sugarcoating

Life's Too Short for Sugarcoating

Gather around for some real talk, ladies. You know, the kind of advice that's not slathered marshmallow fluff. I’ve made many mistakes and learned many life lessons. I choose to share them so you can hopefully learn from my mistakes or at least feel you’re not alone when it comes to letting negative thoughts get you.

  1. Embrace Your Inner Chaos: Let go of feeling this need to look and feel perfect 24/7. Life can be messy. Embrace the days you’re a mess, too. Throw your hair into a pony and show up like the badass you are.
  1. Trust Your Gut: A woman’s intuition is no myth. Your intuition is sharp, so don't let self-doubt talk you out of listening to your gut. If something feels off, trust that feeling. Whether it's a sketchy Tinder date or a questionable job offer, your gut is your natural instinct that keeps you from making stupid decisions.
  1. Slay the Comparison Monster: Instagram vs. Reality? Yeah, they're not even distant cousins. Stop comparing your messy bun to someone else's perfectly curated #wokeuplikethis selfie. You do you, boo, and slay it with confidence.
  1. Dump the Toxic Trash: Life's too short to waste on people who suck the joy out of it. Toxic friends, partners, or even that energy-sucking job—stop giving them all your energy and time. Your mental health will thank you.
  1. Own Your Imperfections: Newsflash: Perfect is boring. Embrace your quirks, your flaws, and your occasional clumsiness. They're what make you uniquely you, and that's pretty damn awesome. Learn to love you, just the way you are.
  1. Laugh Often and Unapologetically: Laughter is the best medicine, especially when it's borderline snort-inducing. So, find humor in the absurdity of life, crack jokes that make your friends snort their drinks, and laugh until your abs ache.
  1. Speak Your Mind: Your voice matters, so don't be afraid to use it. Whether it's calling out a rude relative, demanding equal pay, or telling that guy at the bar to buzz off, speak up and speak loud. Your words have power, so wield them like a boss.
  1. Take Up Space, Physically: You're not a delicate flower shrinking in the corner; you're a force to be reckoned with. So, spread out, speak up, and take up as much damn space as you please. Walk into the room with your head held up and don’t be afraid to make eye contact with people in the room.
  1. Celebrate ALL Your Wins: From getting the kids out the door on time for school to finally mastering the art of adulting (hello, taxes), celebrate every damn win. 
  1. We Are All a Work in Progress: Other than your final days, there’s no finish line for life. Every day can be a new adventure and you're a constantly evolving masterpiece. Embrace the twists, turns, and occasional face-plants. It's the messy, unfiltered moments that make the best stories.

There you have it, ladies—unfiltered advice served straight up with a side of sass. Life's too short for sugarcoating, so embrace your chaos, trust your gut, and slay it like the badass queen you are. Cheers to being unapologetically you! 🥂✨

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